关于”成功案例“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Success stories。以下是关于成功案例的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Success stories
Money spent on advertising is money spent well. It helps to distribute goods quickly at reasonable prices. It has attracted people's attention to new ideas, thus greatly improving people's living standards.
It helps to increase the demand for goods, increase the number of workers needed to supply them, thus providing employment opportunities, helping to pay for many services without advertising. Your daily news costs $1 or more, the price of your TV license needs to double, the cost of bus travel may be higher, and perhaps most importantly, advertising helps to maintain the quality of the products and services you buy No regular advertiser dares to offer a product that does not meet its advertising promise. He may fool some people with misleading advertisements for a period of time.
He will not do so because the public has a good sense not to buy inferior products. I think the value of this article is more valuable than the one I publicized recently. I heard a famous TV celebrity declare that he is against it Advertising, because advertising is persuading rather than informing, is a creepy advertisement trying to convince that if it only provides information, the advertisement will be so boring that no one will notice it.
But perhaps this is exactly what famous TV celebrities hope Lin is going to make an admission to those who oppose advertising that not every advertisement is good, some ads are stupid, some are nothing It doesn't mean that a lot of people pick up the latest ads in magazines or newss, count the ones that really offend you, and then count the ones that interest you in some way, or bring you a happy and honest life.
The long-term success of a company mainly depends on the employees' job satiaction and job security. I agree that when employees are satiied, enterprises are more likely to succeed. Because their work does not like the workplace or their work is unlikely to reach their potential performance level, they may be late for work Lack of imagination and lazy way to complete the task, or take too much sick leave.
However, a company's long-term success may also come from other factors, such as the market positioning of the product, the reputation of high-quality products and services, or the formation of a collaborative alliance with compes. This list is difficult to exhaust all the factors that contribute to the ultimate success of the enterprise, and none of the factors, including job satiaction, is crucial in every case.
Most people say that they find advertising helpful in providing them with information about the products available in the market, but they not only provide information, but also try to influence our emotions. Advertisers know that everyone dreams of a better life, that we dream of better education, of more success, of being richer, more beautiful, of being more adventurous, and so on. Advertisers try to convince us that if we buy their products, our dreams will come true.
That's why advertisements for home cleaning products often try to convince women that only if they use these products and advertisements targeted at men can they become the perfect wife and mother, including a picture of a beautiful girl, which suggests that a man who owns a certain type of car or watch is more attractive to women, or if he wears a certain style Then the feeling that the advertisement is trying to make use of will be different depending on the age group targeted by the advertisement. Advertising for agers will emphasize that these products will not only make young people more attractive, more contemporary and more socially succesul. The problem with advertising is that it tells us that money can make our dreams come true, but obviously not, we can't buy personal beauty, intelce, friendship or happy family.
Therefore, many advertisements are like this A lie, they can also make people feel depressed and dissatiied with their daily life, especially those who have little money to spend on luxury advertising.
From LiuXuePaper.com
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the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and in many other countries
American/British English
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in or relating to the English language
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relating to or from England
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