我家有只猫,它一到晚上眼睛比灯笼还要亮,它的尾巴长长的,近看时它是一只猫 ,远看时它像一只虎。它的毛五颜六色的好看极了,走起路来还一摇一摆的。
Usually, when I am at home, it will run to me and let me hold it. When I am not at home, it will lie in a chair and sleep. Don't think it's lazy. It's a master at catching mice. I remember one day when we were watching TV, the kitten rushed into the sundry room like an arrow. Soon, it came out with a big mouse. It was like a general who won the battle.
Another time, he found a group of mice in my grandfather's room. He played with them one by one until he killed them.
Now my house has no mice. Look, my cat is sleeping on the chair again.