打扑克 Playing poker
今天我非常没意思,就喊奶奶打扑克。打了三种每种两把,一种是七鬼五二三,一种是二人斗地主,一种是摆竹杠 。前二把我胜利了,后三把奶奶胜利了,最后一把我赢了,我和奶奶打了个平 手。今天玩得真高兴。
Today, I was so boring that I called grandma to play poker. There are three kinds of fighting, two for each. One is seven ghosts, five two for three. The other is fighting against landlords by two people. The other is playing the bamboo. The first two won, the last three won, and the last one I won. Grandma and I drew. I had a good time today.