

by the end of 1942, there were almost 250,000 gis in britain. every gi was reminded that the british public were on short rations, but few of them realised what this really meant. a british woman who helped out at an american red cross club recalled:"i saw'boys' help themselves to what would have been a week's ration for me, eat a few mouthfuls and then--horror of horrors--stub out a half-smoked cigarette in the middle of the plate."

and though the gis were issued with a glossary to try to prevent linguistic misunderstandings, misunderstandings still arose. one british girl working on a us base recalled how embarrassing it was when she asked for a"rubber" to correct a mistake. her american boss thought she wanted a contraceptive.
a common joke in britain at that time was that the yanks were"over-paid, over-sexed, over-fed and over here."

