


关于”用拐棍过马路“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Cross the road with a stick。以下是关于用拐棍过马路的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cross the road with a stick

Road safety road safety many people are killed or injured in traffic accidents every year. How can we make the road safer? When yoide a bicycle, remember the following traffic rules. Keep on the right side of the road.

Don't cross the road or turn left at the traffic lights. If you want to turn or stop before crossing the road, please give a hand signal, stop and look both ways. If the road is clear, look right and left It's safe to cross the road.

The correct way to cross the road is to walk fast, but don't run when crossing the road. If you see a child or an old man waiting to cross the road, you may fall down. This is a kind of good will to help them cross the road safely.

We should teach children not to play or ride on the road. Always follow these rules and you will find it safer to walk or ride on the road.




Road safety a lot of people are killed or injured in traffic accidents every year. How can we make the road safer? When yoide a bicycle, remember the following traffic rules. Keep on the right side of the road.

Don't cross the road or turn left at the red light. If you want to turn or stop before crossing the road, please sign, stop and look at both sides. If the road is clear, you can look left and right, and cross the road is safe.

The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly, but don't run across the road. If you see a child or an old man waiting to cross the road, you may fall down. It is a good thing to help them cross the road safely.

We should teach children not to play or ride on the road. Always follow these rules and you'll find it safer to walk or cycle on the road.





When the red light is on and the green light is on, people should stop crossing the road. When crossing the road, people can cross the road. People should first look to the left and then to the right, because the passing cars can prevent people from being hit by cars.

This is the basic traffic rule.



From LiuXuePaper.com


