


关于”我的家乡的变化“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Changes in my hometown。以下是关于我的家乡的变化的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in my hometown

Great changes have taken place in my hometown. I used to live in a small town surrounded by trees. There are no tall buildings.

The only street is very narrow. Just outside the town, there is a river. You can see all kinds of fish swimming in the clear water.

People live a life here. You can make great changes here. There are tall buildings, big department stores and factories There are many kinds of cars and buses running in the street.

But with the development of industry, our trees are less and less. Air and water pollution is more and more serious. We must take measures to prevent pollution and make our town more beautiful.




As we all know, China is developing very fast in all aspects of our life, and there are many places in our society that are becoming more and more modern. Our hometown is one of the places where great changes have taken place. The following is the change I want to show you first.

The road of our hometown has been widened and it is safer than before. I think this is the most important for our local people One of the things that makes sense. Moreover, more and more new buildings are used for foreign trade.

People in our hometown are more willing to help others. They are willing to help each other and try their best to make the world more comfortable. In my opinion, the biggest change is our attitude.

As long as we have a correct attitude towards our own life, our society will be more beautiful and great.




Great changes have taken place in my hometown. I used to live in a small town surrounded by trees. There are no tall buildings.

The only street is very narrow. Just outside the town, there is a river. You can see all kinds of fish swimming in the clear water.

People live a life here. You can make great changes here. There are tall buildings, big department stores and factories All kinds of cars and buses are running in the streets and alleys, but with the development of industry, our trees are less and less, the air and water pollution is more and more serious, we must take measures to stop the pollution and make our town more beautiful.



From LiuXuePaper.com


