


关于”自己喜欢的活动“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Activities you like。以下是关于自己喜欢的活动的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Activities you like

When I was in school, I often like playing badminton. Some of my classmates are very good at badminton. In order to improve my skills, I often compete with them.

I like team sports, such as basketball and volleyball. I started practicing tennis last year. Sometimes I find a partner to play tennis with me, but so far, I'm not very good at it.

Tennis requires a lot of strength, arms and legs, and a high concentration of the .




What's my favorite activity? For example, a few friends and I used to travel on a raft on a wild river. We spent a week sailing in erous currents, camping at night, cooking our own food and having a good time. I'm a member of our college football team.

I also like to do some adventurous things, such as skiing, motorcycle riding and mountain climbing, but I don't go very often, and I have to be very careful. I also like to be with my friends. I'm usually invited to at least one party A week.

If I don't, I'll arrange one myself, even if it's very informal, if I have the chance, I'll either Go out to dinner or dance with my friends. I spend a whole day reading books. I occasionally stay up late for a good novel.

Sometimes, I like to watch TV on a relaxing evening or talk about business with my friends over juice. Do you like that.




My favorite sports. There are many kinds of sports I like, such as swimming, running, dancing. However, my favorite sport is basketball.

When I was in junior high school, I began to play basketball in school. I found that I had fallen in love with this sport. I wanted to watch basketball s, like NBA.

In this wonderful basketball , I tried my best to give me the best time.



From LiuXuePaper.com


