

关于”服装设计师的职业“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The profession of fashion designer。以下是关于服装设计师的职业的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The profession of fashion designer

My dream job everyone has a dream in their heart. No matter who he or she is, they will strive to realize the dream. I have a strong desire to become a future fashion designer.

I like painting very much. I hope to see the clothes I design one day. I will try my best to learn more about fashion design.

I believe I will do it. There is nothing impossible in the world. If I work hard, I may become a famous fashion designer in the future.




Everyone has a dream in their heart. No matter who he or she is, they will try to realize the dream. I have a strong desire.

I want to be a future fashion designer. I like painting very much. I hope that one day I will try my best to learn more about fashion design.

I believe I will do it. Nothing in the world is impossible if I try my best I may become a famous fashion designer in the future.




Everyone has a dream in their heart. No matter who he or she is, they will try to realize the dream. I have a strong desire.

I want to be a future fashion designer. I like painting very much. I hope that one day I will try my best to learn more about fashion design.

I believe I will do it. Nothing in the world is impossible if I try my best I may become a famous fashion designer in the future.




