关于"介绍酒店的介绍"的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduction of the hotel。以下是关于介绍酒店的介绍的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
Fayuan Red Island Hotel is the best hotel I have ever stayed in. Although it is not too big, many tourists like it. It is not only very economical, but also makes visitors feel at home.
The service is very good. At the same time, it provides travel plan and free breakfast for the guests. The host is so friendly and warm.
Therefore, he has many friends and guests. Every room here has a lot of friends and guests It's special and local, because there's a lot of entertainment there, and you don't care if you don't know how to spend your free time, it's a good choice.
Hotel management qualification hotel industry is known as the people-centered industry. The success and failure of its management revolve around the management of people, especially the interaction between guests and employees. One indicator that recognizes the success or failure of such organizations is the skills and training of employees working in the industry.
Hotel industry is known as a people-oriented industry, the success or failure of its management is around the management of people, especially the interaction between guests and employees has an indicator, it recognizes the success or failure of such organizations, in such an industry, the work is high-level skills and staff training.
介绍 introduce:
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker.