Today is "March 8" women's day. All the female teachers in our school hold a dumpling making competition in the canteen.
一放学,女老师们就到食堂忙开了。有的和面粉,有的擀面皮,还有的包饺子,忙的团团转。很快,桌上摆满了饺子,有红的、黄的、紫的和绿的,这是老师们在面粉里加了各种蔬菜汁做成的。有的老 师把饺子包成了金鱼的模样,有的还把饺子摆成各种图案,有蝴蝶,有花朵,可漂亮了!
As soon as school was over, the female teachers went to the canteen to open. Some are mixed with flour, some are rolling the dough, some are making dumplings, and they are busy turning around. Soon, the table was filled with dumplings, red, yellow, purple and green, which were made by the teachers in flour with various vegetable juices. Some teachers make dumplings like goldfish, some put dumplings into various patterns, there are butterflies, there are flowers, it's beautiful!
The uncle and aunt of the canteen put the dumplings into the pot to cook. The teachers crowded beside them, grabbed the cooked dumplings into their own bowl and ate them with a big mouth. I got a bowl too. It's delicious!