
湖南卫视新版《笑傲江湖》(the swordsman)火热收官,该剧播出以来吐槽声一直不绝于耳。对原著的"颠覆性"改编是否使得小说中的"侠义"精髓消失殆尽?

when the swordsman started airing on hunan satellite tv last month, criticism soon followed. the use of visual effects was excessive and the story line was weak and lacked originality, critics said.


but to me, the new adaptation of louis cha’s (jin yong) classic novel the smiling, proud wanderer may be a little too original. without the unmistakable characters, you would think it’s just another historical series combining martial arts and romance.

本文地址: http://www.liuxuepaper.com/m/zw/100242.html