
§31 雇请瓦师喻

(31) mason wanted


once upon a time, a brahman master indented to give a big party. he told his disciple, "i need earthenware for the party. go to the market and fetch for me a mason."


on his way to the mason's home, the disciple came across a man whose donkey was loaded with earthenware for sale in the market. yet all pottery was broken by the animal in the twinkling of an eye. on his return home, the man was crying and getting quite distraught. on seeing this, the disciple asked: "why are you so sad and disappointed?"


the man replied, "i have been making earthenware with all my expedient means after toiling and moiling for many years. i was on my way to the market intending to sell them. but this dumb animal has broken all i had in no time. that's why i'm so distraught."

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