


Directions: Suppose you are writing a proposal to your school library about improving it's services, you are writing about its current problems and solutions.



1、图书馆入口附近有一个类似于会客室(living room/reception room)的地方,我发现里面经常有好几个图书馆工作人员在那里喝茶、聊天、吃零食。与此同时,图书馆内部的管理比较松懈,很多书籍都是随意到处摆放的,这导致学生需要花费很多时间去寻找他们需要的书。希望图书馆领导能够督促员工工作态度认真点,严格按照图书分类标准摆放书籍;




Dear Sir/Madam,

In writing this letter I wish to put forward some proposals for improving the library's services.


First, there is a reception room near the entrance of the library. Every time when I visited the library, I could always see some librarians in the reception room. They were usually drinking tea, chatting, and eating snacks there. At the same time, the books were placed or even thrown on the bookshelves very carelessly and disorderly. Students often had to spend a lot of time in finding the books they wanted. Please urge the librarians to work more diligently and abide by the book classification rules.

首先,图书馆入口附近有一个类似于会客室(living room/reception room)的地方,我发现里面经常有好几个图书馆工作人员在那里喝茶、聊天、吃零食。与此同时,图书馆内部的管理比较松懈,很多书籍都是随意到处摆放的,这导致学生需要花费很多时间去寻找他们需要的书。希望图书馆领导能够督促员工工作态度认真点,严格按照图书分类标准摆放书籍。

Second, most of the books kept in the library are old and worn-out. The reading experience of them is therefore not good enough. Could you please apply to the school to buy more new books and good books?


Thank you for reading my letter.

Yours Faithfully



Put forward some proposals __________ 提出某些建议

Living room/reception room __________ 客厅/会客室

Abide by the book classification rules __________ 遵守图书分类规则
