Never give up不放弃

Xunzi once said, “if you persevere, you will not break the rotten wood; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone.”

It can be seen that from ancient times, we began to advocate perseverance.Edison insisted on experimenting for hundreds of times, and did not give up no matter what difficulties he encountered, and finally invented the light bulb; Nobel insisted on more than 20 years, and was injured many times in the experiment, but refused to stop, and finally made it safe; Madame Curie did not fear the hardships and dangers and extracted radium from tons of industrial waste, even if her health was damaged, she did not give up.

Thus, it can be seen that a new scientific discovery is often based on more than ten or even decades of persistence before it is finally successful. This is not only true of scientific inventions, but also of everything. Without insistence, how could Sima Qian write the historical records, which was praised as “the masterpiece of historians and the Lisao without rhyme”? Without persistence, how could Wang Xizhi practice the black pool water and achieve the calligraphy that shocked the later generations? Without persistence, how could Zheng He travel to the West seven times and spread Chinese culture abroad? Without persistence, how could Xuanzang spend 17 years in Tianzhu to spread Buddhism Entering China?

There are so many examples.The road to success is bound to be thorny. Without the spirit of persistence, how can we overcome all the difficulties and finally achieve success? Everyone knows the stories of “dripping water wears the stone” and “grinding an iron pestle into an embroidery needle”, but only those who truly understand the persistence spirit contained in these stories can succeed.Persistence means that you can stand up quickly even if you fall down, face setbacks and challenges with high morale, and finally overcome them. Persistence means that you can keep your faith and treat thousands of people‘s fingers regardless of how misunderstood by others.

Ye Zhiping, the headmaster of Sangzao middle school in Anxian County, Wenchuan, has personally strengthened the “bean curd dregs” teaching building. In the past four years, he has insisted on organizing students emergency evacuation practice to make them remember the escape route. Before the Wenchuan earthquake, no one agreed with Ye Zhiping‘s practice. Some even sneered at him, saying that he was too worried, but he still persisted. At 14:28:04 on May 12, 2008, an earthquake of magnitude 8 suddenly struck, and countless lives were lost. However, more than 2200 students and hundreds of teachers in Anxian Sangzao middle school were evacuated to the playground with only one and a half percent, without any casualties. Imagine how many students in this middle school would have died in this earthquake without the principals insistence. It is the spirit of persistence that enables Ye Zhiping to stand up to the pressure and misunderstanding of others and stick to his own practice, which has saved the lives of all teachers and students.

Cai E said: “sincerity, gold and stone open.” Michael Jordan said, “I can accept failure, but I can‘t accept giving up!” Johnson said, “great things dont depend on strength, but on how long you can persist.” All these famous sayings and aphorisms, as well as all the examples at all times and in all over the world, tell us: “to persist in the end is to win.” This is a very simple truth, but it is difficult to put into practice.If we understand this, we won‘t be frustrated by the small setbacks in our life, we wont lose our morale after several failures.

With the spirit of persistence, we can persevere, overcome all the difficulties we face and finally succeed.